David Griffiths

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Generic 50g Gold Bar

As low as:
Payment Method Qty 1+
Cashier's $4,371.61
Check $4,371.61
Pin Debit $4,371.61
Wire $4,371.61
Zelle $4,371.61
Cash $4,386.91
Credit Card $4,546.47
Paypal $4,546.47
As low as $85.00 per oz above spot
Coin Connection buy price $4,154.37

The Generic 50g Gold Bars may come from various IRA-approved producers.

Each 5g Generic Gold Bar is composed of 50 grams of .9999 fine gold. These gold bars are 100% authentic.

Why is the Generic 50g Gold Bar popular Among Investors ?

  • Simple and sleek design
  • Composed of 50 grams of .9999 fine Gold
  • Eligible for Precious Metals IRAs
  • 100% authentic


  • Purity - .9999
  • Weight - 50 grams
  • IRA Eligible - Yes

Thinking about buying a gold bar from one of the reputable bullion dealers?

Order the high-quality Generic 50g Gold Bar online today from us! You can check the current gold bar value on our website.

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