Payment Method | Qty 1 - 9 | Qty 10 - 19 | Qty 20+ |
Cashier's | $1,083.25 | $1,078.25 | $1,073.25 |
Check | $1,083.25 | $1,078.25 | $1,073.25 |
Pin Debit | $1,083.25 | $1,078.25 | $1,073.25 |
Wire | $1,083.25 | $1,078.25 | $1,073.25 |
Zelle | $1,083.25 | $1,078.25 | $1,073.25 |
Cash | $1,087.04 | $1,082.02 | $1,077.01 |
Credit Card | $1,126.58 | $1,121.38 | $1,116.18 |
Paypal | $1,126.58 | $1,121.38 | $1,116.18 |
The 2021 1oz British Platinum Britannia is the newest annual release of the Britannia Platinum coins and is composed of 1 oz of 999.5 fine platinum. The obverse of the coin features Effigy of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The reverse depicts the image of Britannia, guardian of Britain. These striking platinum coins appeal to both investors and collectors.
Looking for a genuine dealer to order the high-quality platinum coins? Buy the beautiful 2021 1oz British Platinum Britannia online from us. The silver price is updated on our website every minute. You can compare our reputation and silver prices with other bullion dealers in the market and check how we stand out in the industry.