Any Year $5 American Liberty Gold Coin

As low as:
Payment Method Qty 1+
Cashier's $2,661.24
Check $2,661.24
Pin Debit $2,661.24
Wire $2,661.24
Zelle $2,661.24
Cash $2,670.55
Credit Card $2,767.69
Paypal $2,767.69
As low as $36.04 per oz above spot
Coin Connection buy price $2,524.99

Points to note:

  • Contains .2487 troy oz gold
  • Metal content is 90% gold, 10% copper
  • Issued by the US Mint with a $5 (USD) face value (price was set at $20.67 per ounce from 1839 until 1908)
  • Features the artwork of 
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